5 reasons why social media is your best vegan travel companion
Before we became location independent and hit the road on the Vegan Food Quest (our full time, vegan travel adventure where we find, eat and write about the best vegan food in the world), we have to admit that social media was that high maintenance friend that sometimes took more than it gave.
Late for work because we got sucked into Twitter looking at nonsense? That was us.
Finding ourselves compulsively checking Facebook in case something interesting had happened only to find it hadn’t (repeat this cycle several times a day)? That was us too.
But now we are travelling full time, social media has a whole new place in our lives and our hearts, in fact, it’s turned into an awesome vegan travel resource and we’re now best friends with it.
Wanna know why? Here’s our 5 reasons why social media is your best vegan travel companion.
1) We’ve met so many cool vegans through social media since we started travelling
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (our 3 social media favs) are full of vegans who love to talk about food and travel as much as we do. No longer do our excited posts about a new vegan food we’ve found get greeted with (at best) total indifference/bewilderment or (at worst) comments about eating steak.
Oh no, now our vegan food porn posts are more likely to start a whole excited community conversation about where to find the best vegan cake or the deliciousness of a masala dosa or how much we love [basically insert any vegan food stuff]. You get our drift?
But we don’t only talk about food (OK we mainly we do), we also talk about other things too like the challenges we face, the state of the world or even just sharing a recipe or a tip.
Thanks to social media, we’re never without a whole bunch of supportive, funny, interesting, cake lovin’ vegan friends now.

We admit we talk a lot about vegan cake with our online vegan friends
2) We plan our travels using information from social media
Once upon a time we used guidebooks to plan our trips and then within the blink of an eye it seemed, the Lonely Planet was history and it was all about reading TripAdvisor reviews online. Roll on 5 minutes and now we take TripAdvisor with a huge pinch of salt.
Now we book our vegan travel after getting ideas from fellow vegan travellers, reading their blogs and guides for inspiration and just throwing a few questions our there to see what people recommend.
Recently, after being tortured by countless pictures of vegan cake in Taipei from Plant Powered Nomad and some excited exchanges about said vegan cake, we decided to book a flight there. We’d never thought of visiting Taiwan before until seeing all this cake and it turns out there are some really friendly vegans there who have already volunteered to help us with our caking mission.
3) It’s a great way to share the vegan love
We really care about the planet, people and animals too… that’s why we’re vegan and so we naturally want to share the vegan love and show other people just how easy it is to live a cruelty free, plant-based lifestyle. If we can do it whilst travelling long term, away from our home comforts, then anyone can. We love showing people how adaptable most hotels, restaurants and even street food vendors can be and we love helping these people realise that offering vegan options makes good sense for their business.
Social media helps us share all the amazing moments we have on our vegan travels and also helps us encourage and help other people who are thinking about going on a vegan travel adventure of their very own, which makes us very happy indeed.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch & talk vegan travel with us & our happy faces 🙂
4) We get to take part in brilliant conversations about vegan travel no matter where we are
Thanks to the Vegan Travel Facebook group we can talk about vegan travel until our heart is content, whatever part of the world we are in. Vegan travellers have some slightly different needs to other travellers as we often want to find the least harmful, most ethical way to spend time in a different country and want details of where to go, what to eat and what supplies we might need to take with us.
5) Without social media our non-travelling friends at home would slowly begin to hate us
Here’s how it works:
We’re on this amazing adventure where we basically have given up our conventional lives and find ourselves in hot sunny places, with a fair dose of excitement, beaches, freedom from the 9-5 grind and an endless supply of food at ridiculously cheap prices (because we’re travelling in South East Asia).
Because it’s so much fun and so awesomely amazing we want to tell people about it all the time (see point 3 about sharing the vegan love).
Imagine if our only outlet was to bug our friends at home with all this stuff? Believe us when we say that although we know they love us dearly, we also know that they don’t want to hear about our life of plant-based adventure as they’re heading off to the office on a dreary Monday morning.
But our vegan travel loving friends on social media do. They soak up all our excitement on Facebook, they read our blog posts, like our stream of vegan food pictures on Instagram and they give us endless love on twitter. And all this protects our other friends form having to endure…. well… us, and so everyone rubs along nicely in a happy equilibrium.

It’s hard to believe that anyone doesn’t want to hear the story behind this photo and the amazing food we ate just after it isn’t it?
By the way here’s the

We understand why friends are a little less tolerant of too many of these pics from us
Hard not to tell everyone about if though when you get to stay somewhere so awesome and eat delicious vegan food!
Thank you social media, you really are the coolest.
Here are 12 of our vegan travel social media friends that if you don’t know already, you should get to know, because they’re all pretty cool:
Amanda of Burger Abroad
Amelia of Plant Powered Nomad
Amélie of Mostly Amélie
Artie & Mac of The Food Duo
Cody & Giselle of Mindful Wanderlust
Cristina of Chronicles of a Travel Addict
Dale & Franca of Anglo Italian Follow Us
Jess of North & South Nomads
Justin & Lauren of Justin Plus Lauren
Randi of Veggie Visa
Sam & Zab of Indefinite Adventure
Shannon of Vegan Sweet & Simple
Fantastic article! LOVE your photos! And I’m so honored to be included on your awesome list! Thanks! 🙂
thanks for your support Amanda, very much appreciated 🙂
Great post guys! For us social media are super important too when it comes to find tips about local vegan places to go whilst travelling. In fact most of the places we went to have been suggested by fellow vegan travellers (like yourselves) or locals virtually met on social media (on FB groups for instance).
Thanks for including us too 😉
it’s amazing now social media has become such an important part of our lives so quickly and the same as you so many of our vegan travel adventures have been enhanced by suggestions from others vegan travellers we’ve met on line…
thanks for the comment Franca 🙂
YAY! I love social media too, and especially when it involves finding yummy vegan food and seeing what everyone else is eating around the world! Thanks so much for including us! 🙂
thanks for your comment guys!
social media often felt that it didn’t have a real use when we were at hom,e but now we’re on the road it has been invaluable for both hooking up with other vegan travellers, but also for staying in touch with friends and family back home…
It was so cool chatting live with everyone yesterday! I got the feels <3
certainly was fun, just need to all meet up in real life now 🙂
Thanks for the mention, guys! You’re right, it’s so fun to have this community of vegan travel bloggers who we can share our exciting discoveries with! Can’t wait to get more involved!
No problem, we love your blog and you’re also great at interacting with through social media which makes all the difference to us. There are so many people who have a good blog but never reply to a comment or respond on social media and it can feel like that person who turns up to a party and steels all the booze before leaving! Not you guys though, you are definitely sharing the vegan love which is so important when you’re traveling as a vegan 🙂 Caryl x
Great post! We completely agree! We’ve met some wonderful vegans and animal activists online and have been able to keep in touch with what is going on in their neck of the woods and we all get to recommend places to eat and recipes and and and….it’s wonderful! Oh and we’d love to be your friends too. 🙂
thanks for the comment guys!
making friends with all of these cool, like minded people is so much fun, we just need to adjust all of our travel plans so that we all get to meet in real life one day 🙂