My 12th Vegan Birthday
Some people think I’m a bit of a princess but actually I’m more like the Queen, not just because like the Queen I rarely carry money or deal with any practicalities of life but because I have 2 birthdays; one normal ‘when I was born’ birthday and one ‘when I went vegan’ birthday.
Today is my 12th vegan birthday!
Yes, 12 years ago on the 17th April I decided to go vegan.

Yey! I’m 12 today 🙂
This last year of veganess has actually been my favourite too, it’s definitely been the best year to be vegan.
I’ve had some of the best vegan food of my entire life
Since quitting work, hitting the road and starting a full-time vegan travel adventure that basically involves finding, eating and writing about the best vegan food in the world; I’ve enjoyed some of the yummiest food I’ve ever eaten.
And the best bit?
The adventure continues and there’s loads more vegan food to find!

I fell in love with creamy coconut ‘milk rice’ and spicy ‘lunu miris’ in Sri Lanka (Sri Lankan vegan food is truly awesome!).
My absolute love, best friend and chief organiser in life decided to go vegan this year too!
After 16 years of being together that was an amazing thing to happen!  He was veggie beforehand and then took the plunge this year which was awesome 🙂

Now I can share his food too… if I can get it off him that is!
I’ve met loads of new vegan friends online and in person.
In my previous years of being vegan I never really met many other vegans and never really felt part of the vegan community but this last year has been full of meeting new people, following other people’s journey to more compassionate living and of course talking a lot about vegan food.
It’s been a lot of fun!

We met real life vegans at VeganBurg in Singapore; they were awesome, we ate vegan burgers and cake whilst putting the world to rights. Happy vegan memories!
I’ve been indulged with some pretty serious vegan luxury

Soaking up the vegan luxury in the Maldives where the lovely people at Ayada Maldives fed me amazing vegan food… you can see why that makes me happy right?
Anyway, I’m off to celebrate now, it is my birthday after all 🙂
Share in my birthday celebrations too and leave us a comment below, I’d love to hear from you and will send you a special birthday reply in return 🙂
Happy Birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world x
Have loved sharing the 12 years with you and have also found the last year fun, inspiring, exciting (and a bit annoying and frustrating at times but that is due to tuk tuk drivers trying to cheat us, neighbours thinking VERY loud and VERY bad music at 6am is a good idea and my general lack of tolerance of others)….
Back to the point of my message though – thank you for being you and filling my life with fun, inspiration and excitement – here’s to the next 12 years x
Aw… thank you… couldn’t do it without you. Now let’s find some cake 🙂
well done Caryl and a great read… but I particularly like the bit about tuk tuk drivers in Pauls response… You’re two very beautiful and kind people and deserve the great time your having xx
That’s such a very lovely thing to say James! I know you can imagine Paul’s struggle with tuk tuk drivers (testing the stress management skills to the max!) and I’m really touched that you think highly of us… that’s a lovely birthday present all in itself! 🙂
Happy Vegan Birthday beautiful. Xxxxx
Thank you so much my lovely! Can’t believe it’s been so long, but I guess the thought of having two birthdays a year is a great motivator if nothing else! Feel like I didn’t make the most of that when I was at home, think of all the vegan cake I missed! Never mind, you live and learn as they say!:)
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful food filled day!
Thanks! The only thing that was missing was vegan cake as the cafe selling it is still shut for new year! Will just have to have another celebration day when they open again 🙂